瑜伽能在癌症治療後提高生活品質- Study: Yoga Improves Quality of Life After Cancer – Article from “TIME”

這是翻譯自TIME雜誌的好文章, 它更證實了持續有恒的練習瑜珈不但會給你心靈平靜也會帶來身體不可思議的健康.

Once the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient'scancer, doctors face an even trickier question: how do you helppatients deal with the side effects of treatment?
⋯⋯ 醫生一旦艱難地為癌症患者確定了治療方案,就會面對一個棘手的問題:如何幫助患者解決治療產生的副作用?

The issue is a challenge for physicians because, unlike with cancertherapies, there are few scientific studies on the most effective waysto handle the side effects — including common symptoms such as poorsleep or fatigue. But addressing these seemingly mundane complicationsis crucial for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle, whichin turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.

That's why Dr. Karen Mustian of the University of Rochester MedicalCenter decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors — yoga —to the test. In a paper she will present at the American Society ofClinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting in June, Mustian designed astandardized program based on hatha yoga — a slow-moving form of thediscipline — and tested its effect on improving the quality of life forcancer survivors.

Called YOCAS, the four-week program involved sessions of hatha andrestorative yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each, in combination withbreathing exercises and meditation. Among the 410 participants, whowere divided into yoga and traditional follow-up care groups, thosepracticing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep qualityand reduction of fatigue compared to those not practicing yoga. Theyalso reported better quality of life overall, Mustian says. "And theyoga group had all of these benefits while reducing their use of sleepmedication," she says

Volunteers answered detailed questionnaires to assess changes intheir sleep, fatigue and quality of life at the start and end of thethree-month study. They rated the accuracy of statements such as "Mylegs feel weak," or "I feel pooped," and recorded how long it took themto fall asleep once they went to bed.

For cancer physicians, the findings will be a welcome addition totheir discussions with patients. "Many patients ask about complementarytherapies, whether they are exercise or meditation or yoga or St.John's wort," says Dr. Douglas Blayney, medical director of thecomprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president ofASCO. "I often don't know what to tell them because there isn't a lotof science on these complementary therapies. Here is a scientific studyshowing benefit, so at least we can have some assurance in tellingwomen that here is a yoga program, here are its characteristics and ithas been shown to have beneficial effects on sleep and quality of life."

Mustian points out that not all yoga programs may necessarily havethe same effect as those that the study discovered. She worked withyoga experts to generate a series of specific yoga exercises andpostures that are targeted to address fatigue and sleep issues. But,she says, "clinicians could recommend to their patients that they mightwant to try taking gentle hatha yoga or restorative yoga classes, orone that combines these two techniques along with breathing exercisesand mindfulness." Now, she says, there is scientific proof that thebenefits are worth the effort of seeking these programs out

    創作者 芸 的頭像

    生活瑜珈 La vie yoga

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